Useful Aspirations Websites
Below we have selected a range of websites that provide excellent information about a range of careers and education types. All of these websites could potentially be useful to any student. However, they have been arranged so that the websites most useful to KS3 students come first, and the websites most useful to KS5 students come at the end.
Start Profile
This outstanding website (with section for students, parents/carers and employers) is the perfect place for all things career research based. Students can research careers by various criteria and find out what jobs involve, how to train and what they could earn. The website is bursting with useful LMI info too!
I Could
I could is a fantastic information website for young people to explore many career possibilities. They can complete a quiz to find out what type of job might suit them, and search jobs by their favourite school subjects to see what is available.
National Careers Service
This is a bit less fancy than I Could, but no less useful! Students can search for careers by key words/subjects and find out lots about different jobs. They will be told what the job entails, how much they will get paid and what they will need to do to qualify.
Health Careers
This a great website to explore the range of careers available in the NHS. It could be useful for general research, or for those thinking about starting their training in the near future. There is a great quiz which could help you decide which specialism might be for you (there are lots of them).
Armed Forces
Similar to the NHS website, this link will direct you to the respective Armed Forces websites. You can explore the different roles and look at what the entry requirements are (they are very different for different jobs). If you want to go into the Armed Forces straight from school, you can apply for some roles when you are 15 years and 7 months. You can use the respective websites to apply whenever you are ready.
Success at School
This is a great information website with lots of advice and support for students and parents looking at a range of careers and education types. There is quite a lot of ‘soft’ career skill development, such as interview skills, included in the various sections.
National Apprenticeships Service
Any student thinking about doing an apprenticeship MUST be registered for this website as this is where most people apply for apprenticeships. There is also lots of other great information about apprenticeships and a search tool.
Any student who attends university will apply through UCAS, so most sixth form students will become quite familiar it. However, it’s not a bad thing to start looking at UCAS when you are a bit younger. By seeing what various university courses are looking for in terms of entry requirements, it can help you select suitable A Levels. You can also use UCAS to search and apply for apprenticeships.
Amazing Apprenticeships and Rate My Apprenticeship
Amazing Apprenticeships is the website favoured by the York Apprenticeships Hub. There is lots of information about apprenticeships and an ‘Amazing Employers’ section. This is great for seeing which major employers recruit apprentices both locally and nationally.
Rate my Apprenticeship is similar, but you may be able to find additional vacancies. It can never hurt to search and apply to ‘too many’ websites if you are serious about an apprenticeship. and
Not Going to Uni
Not Going to Uni is a fantastic website – especially for older students. Primarily, it has a really good tool to search and apply for apprenticeships. However, there is so much more to this website than apprenticeships! You can find out about (and apply for) jobs, courses, sponsored degrees, internships, work experience, professional qualifications, gap year experiences and more. If you are a little bit confused and aren’t overly keen on the idea of University – you have to have a look on this website!
Prospects is a brilliant website! It is great for anybody who is thinking about University, but is still unsure about what they actually want to do with their degree (or indeed which degree to do). You can task a quiz to find out what type of job might be for you, and you can also find out which types of job require certain degrees. They have loads of statistics about students who take different degrees – including employment rates. It also tells you lots about the post-graduate training that you might need to do after your first degree, with lots of useful information and contacts!
Save the Student
This website gives out lots of helpful information about the non-academic side of university (saving money etc.). I find it especially good for explaining student finance! There is even a parents’ guide which is really helpful when sorting out your student finance.
A levels, Universities, Gap Years and more!
A fantastic website for students working towards GCSE and A Levels. There are links to how to select A Levels, Universities (including specific advice on medical schools, art school and drama school. The information includes links to further information on pretty much everything you would need to know about universities and gap years!
We are currently undertaking the Quality in Careers Standard, which is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools.