Results and Performance
Examination Results
Huntington School is a very successful secondary education institution, and we are proud of the results that our students achieve. Access to the Department of Education School Performance Tables is:
The headline results are as follows:
GCSE Results 2019
A8 score = 53.0
P8 score = +0.15
English & maths 4+ = 80%
English & maths 5+ = 57%
EBacc Standard 4+ = 42%
EBacc Strong 5+ = 29%
GCSE Results 2022
A8 score = 55.3
P8 score = +0.22
English & maths 4+ = 77%
English & maths 5+ = 54%
EBacc Standard 4+ = 50%
EBacc Strong 5+ = 40%
GCSE Results 2023
A8 Score 48.6
P8 Score +0.10
English & Maths 4+ = 69%
English & Maths 5+ = 50%
Ebacc Standard 4+ = 41%
Ebacc Strong 5+ = 29%
A Level Results 2019
A* – A rate: 34%
A*- B rate: 65%
A Level Results 2022
Top 5% of all post-16 providers for student progress (ALPS)
A*- A rate: 43%
73% of our grades were at A*- B
20% of our students secured 3 or more A*/A grades
A Level Results 2023
Top 10% of all post-16 providers for student progress (ALPS)
A*'s 12.3%
A*- A rate: 30%
A*- B rate 56%
Six students secured places to study at Oxford and Cambridge
Four students achieved the grades necessary to study medicine or veterinary science.
A Level Results 2024
Top 10% of all post-16 providers for student progress (ALPS)
A*'s 14% (A-level National 9.3% 2024)
A*- A rate: 40%
A*- B rate 68%
One student completed achieved 6 A-levels (AAABCC)
One student received an has been nominated by Pearson Exam Board for an award in physics due to his impressive A-level Physics result.