Exam Information
Exams & Data Manager: Mrs Cousins
Contact email for the exams office: exams@huntington-ed.org.uk
Paying for Examination Entries – from 1 October 2024
GCSE Mathematics & English Language
There is no entry fee charge for a student who did not achieve a Grade 4 or higher in GCSE Mathematics or English Language.
Students are required to pay an entry fee in GCSE Mathematics and/or English if they have already achieved a Grade 4 and above and want to resit to gain a better grade.
Resitting Year 12 or Year 13
If a student has completed Year 12 and Year 13 and taken their A-levels at the end of Year 13, they will need to pay for the examination entry fees if they choose to resit their A-levels in Year 14.
There are no fees for a student retaking Year 12 or Year 13 if they have not yet taken any A-level exams.
Other examination Fees
If a student chooses to take an additional GCSE or A-level that is not part of their curriculum (such as a home language), an entry fee may be charged at the school’s discretion.
Private Candidates for GCSE Mathematics & English Language Resit
The school has two spots available for ex-students who did not achieve a Grade 4 or higher in GCSE Mathematics or English Language. Students will be required to pay the GCSE entry fee. For more information, please email the Exams Officer at exams@huntington-ed.org.uk.
The school does not take any other Private Candidates as priority must be given to current students.
Prices can vary with entry fees being around £150-200 per A level and around £50 per GCSE. Students who withdraw after the exam boards entry deadline dates will not receive a refund.