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Chemistry is central to many of the major industrial sectors such as; pharmaceuticals, healthcare, agriculture, biotechnology and environmental science. It is important that people in the future will be able to solve problems in these areas and explain clearly how things work.

Why study A-Level Chemistry?

UCAS consider Chemistry to be a facilitating subject – that means it appears in a lot of university degrees subject requirements.

Studying chemistry means you can:

  • Work logically and analytically
  • Communicate your ideas clearly
  • Work in a methodical manner
  • Problem solve
  • Work as part of a team
  • Present data clearly and draw effective conclusions
  • Work safely with a wide range of practical equipment and chemicals

Chemistry is the foundation of many traditional science subjects such as; Biology, Physics, Medicine, Veterinary, Dentistry, Pharmacology, Forensics, Engineering and Optometry. You can also move into other subjects such as law, economics, accountancy and education. Studying Chemistry will never hold you back from your chosen career!

At Huntington we follow the AQA specification: 

It is a challenging course – with a wide range of topics covered so it provides the perfect foundation for all types of future degree and apprenticeship choices.

The course is divided into the three main areas of chemistry; physical, organic and inorganic.  You will be familiar with some of the topics covered already from GCSE.

Examles of the topics we cover: atomic structure, bonding and properties, kinetics and equilibria.

There is also the practical endorsement where you are assessed on your practical competency across a series of twelve experiments throughout the two years.


Entry requirements

Students who study this subject will have achieved a minimum of a Grade 6-6 in GCSE Combined Science OR a 6 in GCSE Chemistry.

Students must also achieve a minimum of a Grade 5 in GCSE Maths, due the high mathematical demand of this subject.

Whilst it is beneficial to the course if you are also choosing a maths A-Level it is not strictly necessary and we teach you all the maths techniques you require in the course.


Average class sizes

Year 12:  23

Year 13: 15 in each class

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